
I’m afraid of the hand that writes

Because I share what’s inside

My guts spill out for strangers

And I have nothing but rawness

No elegance or skill belongs to me

I’ll explode if I don’t express myself

Why do I feel like apologizing

For taking up your time

Bad poetry, good ranting

See I’m a guy who never understood things

Why they laughin’

Why they teasin’

Cause I believe in passion and love

You mistake my open arms for weakness

I wear my heart on my sleeve

But I’m strong lord, yeah I got grit

I faced things that was tough

I got through it when life was fuckin’ rough

Yeah I’ve been deceived

Into thinking my strength wasn’t deep

But it’s just different than your strength

Cause’ we’re all different people

With different problems

You know where I’m at?

I’m just chillin’ with my cat

Getting over the toxic nights

When I got faded and drank myself to sleep





Who fucked up


Who got fucked up

Yeah God

You dealt me a strange hand

Cause I know I could be better then this

If you didn’t give me this prollem’

Depression, anxiety

Fuckin’ schizoaffective disorder

What would I have been

A king

Lord of a manor

Maserati’s and Maybach’s

At least I got my candor

Yeah thank you God for what I got

Cause I know it could be so much worse

I got love from different places

My life is worth living

Yeah I guess you dealt me a couple aces

So can’t you see God?

Can’t you see why I’m confused?

Cause’ I know it could have gone up or down

But instead I’m right in the middle

Where nothing moves

So what do I need God?

You tell me

Should I suffer some more?

Or is it about time I got a break?

I’ll trust you can figure that shit out

And give me a fuckin’ answer

Cause right now it’s black and it’s blue

It’s a fucked up situation and I’m lookin’ at you


My fears are helicopters running on inexhaustible fuel

They hover above me, the droning blades laying heavy on my ears

Phrases of ridicule are fired at me like red-tipped missiles

It’s only a matter of time before the men in black uniforms drop down

Aiming pistols at my chest

While shouting their frustration at my failed attempts to succeed


Silver jets with .50 caliber guns reinforce the plundering choppers

Their bullets are the memories of my youth

When the bully would spit on my feet and laugh at my stuttering


Troops dressed in grey sweatshirts gather around my house

They are all the same, it is a common man cloned to the thousands

He is the most frightening to me

His stubbly beard reminds me of men beaten by their fathers

His purpose is not entirely clear

I only know that he is a threat to my mortality


These armies of rage attempt to thwart me endlessly

Each day I am pressed to the ground

But through the terror I am able to find my ambition

With the help of a perfect man who died to forgive me

I ignore the thoughts of helplessness

And though I am delusional

I am able to go on with my days

Pursuing my dreams and challenging goals I set for myself

Fear and motivation

I’m Anxious

I Drank too much coffee



Are giving me heartburn



Because I’m in a mixed state


Goals and fear

Clashing in my head


Music soothes

Writing brings me back to life


The evil one

He knocks on my glass door


Armor protects

Yeah Lord your holy armor


Nowhere to hide

I must face this once again


Two in the morning

My mind’s doing five hundred



Help me

Listenin’ to music and Writin’ poetry 7

Ball so hard

Motherfuckers wanna find me


Watch the throne

Yeah I’m definitely in the zone


Gold dress

Yeah I got me a model


Louder, louder

Scream success even louder


Black on black on black

Velvet and leather


Whips so fast

Not enough parking spots


My faith in god

Why I pray so hard


My dreams is big

Yeah welcome to the jungle


I’m in the moment

My persistence is potent


Juggle time and money

That’s my bitch


I paid for this

Late nights and suffering


Been waiting a long time

A little longer now to my high


Go harder then you’ll figure

I’m sure my ideas are bigger


Live my life

Just to get off and throw my hands up high

To myself

What are you afraid of?

Do not be foolish

Are you not still breathing?

Have you not been blessed

With a sturdy heart?


What mountain has stopped you?

You have climbed many

Would you falter on this foothill?

Keep steadfast and true

Are you not proud of yourself?


Are you not a better man?

You have proven yourself before

Have you not seen hell?

You know it like your own hand

So how could you become lost again?


Are you not Loved?

Not all are blessed that way

Can you not trust again?

You are worthy

So what are you afraid of?

Have courage

Trust the wary path

It leads you somewhere

Perhaps to your death

But the path is yours


No other man can walk it for you

It belongs to you alone


Accept the beauty that is

Regret nothing

Fear everything

But walk with courage


Guaranteed is your downfall

Not is your rising


So let the pain wash over you

Cry out if you need to

Pick yourself up from the ground

And dust of your shoulders


Stillness is not your calling

Do not stay in the light


Instead gaze into the dark

Brush fingers with danger

Set sight on greatness

And fall wherever you may